Custom AppSec Training

Would your company benefit from custom AppSec training?

Application security is a complicated problem to solve, and many companies have found they don't benefit from cookie cutter solutions. Gold Hat Security's custom AppSec training will help you determine your unique challenges, recommend solutions, and incorporate those solutions into training, tailored to your unique needs.

This solution is for you if:

  • You're tired of boring training! Gold Hat Security uses humor to keep students engaged and increase retention of new information.
  • You're overwhelmed with the day-to-day of putting out fires. It's common knowledge that "shifting left" in the development lifecycle is best practice, but most security teams are so busy with emergencies that they don't have time to develop a training program on their own.
  • You have vulnerability data from tools and pen tests but have a hard time getting them fixed! Not only will this training empower your software engineers to fix the vulnerabilities you know about, but it will also prevent new ones from being introduced as you move forward. 

How does it work? 

  • We will perform a needs assessment to determine your unique AppSec challenges.
  • We create recommendations based on the assessment and incorporate them into Gold Hat’s existing curriculum.
  • Training is delivered in-person, with a quirky sense of humor to keep it engaging!

What makes Gold Hat Security different:

  • A sense of humor - studies have shown that humor increases retention of new information.
  • Security mindset - Gold Hat’s POWERS Framework is designed to teach a security mindset as the foundation of every course.
  • Practical - Code examples in a variety of languages help software engineers practice spotting and fixing vulnerabilities quickly.

What people are saying:

“Most people expect security training to be dry and dull -- but Jillian delivered training to our 350 developers around the world in a way that kept them engaged, got high evaluation marks, and most importantly - taught them what they needed to know. Jillian's training resulted in meaningful more astute, prepared, and professional team.” - Peter Horadan, Cofounder and CEO, Lockstep

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